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Job: Vacancy №44828

May 5, 2024, 10:39 a.m.Views: 3135 (stats)

City: Moscow, Russia

Organization name: LLC "Lesnoy Resurs"

Category: Managers

Standing (years): from 1 years

Position: Specialist in the export of forest and woodworking products

Salary from: 887 $

Required work experience: 1-3 years
Part-time, remote work
Temporary registration is possible: service agreement, contract, GPH, self-employed, Individual entrepreneurs

Attention! We don't have a salary at this stage! Payment upon conclusion of the export contract!

The International Trade portal invites specialists in the export of products of the forest and woodworking industry to cooperate.

- search for buyers for products of the timber processing industry abroad;
- negotiations and assistance in concluding export contracts for timber producers from Russia.

- sales experience in the timber industry in the field of B2B;
- experience in foreign economic activity;
- when working with customers abroad, knowledge of the language of the relevant country is mandatory.

Payment is piecework and occurs upon the conclusion of an export contract. We pay a fixed amount of 30,000rubles for each export contract. We provide customer bases. Your very job is to help our clients pick up a foreign buyer from our databases and negotiate with him in terms of price, logistics and payment terms.

Our clients are Russian timber companies that want to enter foreign markets.
Working remotely.
We need specialists in finding buyers in Arab countries, India, China, Southeast Asian countries and the CIS.

Based on the results of this stage (it is necessary to conclude at least 10 contracts), we are ready to revise the terms of further cooperation.

Contact details:
Director of Lesnoy Resurs LLC
Evgeny Rozhentsev
email: director@woodresource.ru
+79139229110 (WhatsApp, Viber, Telegram)

Site: https://woodresource.ru


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